Traveling is something many people would love to accomplish as much as possible; one of the best ways to do that is to learn how to travel smart. When you learn how to travel efficiently, you learn how to save money and time, so take some time to read through this article’s tips to see what you can learn.

  1. This may be obvious but ask a friend or family member to drive you to the airport. You can save on cab fare and long term parking fees. Many people will be happy to perform this favor for you, especially if you are willing to reciprocate later on down the road when they are taking a vacation.
  2. When traveling to tropical areas, always keep your dirty laundry in a closed bag. Hotels and homes in tropical parts of the world aren’t as bug-proof as most first-world country homes. Dirty laundry will attract insects, especially ants, meaning that clothing that was simply dirty is now completely unwearable for the rest of the trip.
  3. When planning to fly for a trip, don’t forget any frequent flier miles you might have racked up. It does you no good to hang onto those once you’ve already gone on your big holiday. Even if you don’t have enough miles to cover the whole trip, many airlines will allow you to discount your rate using your miles.
  4. Don’t forget to look up the time zones for where you will be traveling to and staying. Many people don’t realize that there is a significant time difference that will not only play a role in your sleep schedule but also in your communication efforts to those still at home.
  5. Check prices directly with your hotel or airline company to save money on your trip. Although it is often small, some search engine sites add a fee to their rates. To avoid the fee, check the airline website directly or give the hotel a call for their rates. You will typically find that the rates are lower when you book directly.
  6. Make sure to choose a type of vacation that suits your personality. If you hate being outdoors, you shouldn’t go to the beach! Personality styled vacations are becoming increasingly popular these days, with everything from adults-only cruises to geek-friendly trips. Search for a vacation that you will genuinely enjoy.
  7. When picking a destination, remember to know your destination and plan your itinerary before you go. You can do it online or ask people you know who have been to the particular destination you will be traveling to. If you have an idea of what you want to do at your destination before you even get there, it can help your whole travel experience be much smoother.
  8. When traveling by air, purchase your airline tickets as early as possible. Airlines that offer very low fares may have a limited number of seats available at the lowest price. By purchasing your tickets early, you are assured of getting the best possible rates for air travel.
  9. Try to eat something very mild during the meal prior to your plane ride. You don’t want to feel nauseous or have to use the bathroom numerous times during the flight. A piece of toast for breakfast or a cup of soup for lunch would be a great option.
  10. Before you leave on any long vacation, try to find some time to get into shape. Generally, while sightseeing, you will be doing quite a lot of walking. If you don’t prepare for this, you can end up sore and unhappy. Also, being more fit might give you added courage for a nude beach or other new experience!
  11. Participate in loyalty programs if you are a frequent traveler. You may not anticipate being able to cash in, but these programs often accumulate faster than you realize. Companies are fighting against a sea of competition and want to keep you as a customer. If you typically choose the same company, find out what kind of rewards they have in place for your loyalty.
  12. When traveling with children by plane, try to book a direct flight if at all possible. Even if you have to pay a little more, it will be worth it when you arrive at your destination with happy children. Non-direct flights often result in increased stress for all due to long layovers and changes in flight schedules.
  13. When you are traveling to a new city, join in on a pub crawl. You can experience the downtown area and meet new people. You’ll have even more fun by slowly eating dinner across the different restaurants; have drinks at one place and then an appetizer at the next. Work your way up to a main course and dessert.
  14. If you are traveling overseas, search for restaurants that have menus in the local language. These establishments typically have inexpensive food that tastes great, and they provide a glimpse into the culture of the area. These restaurants usually won’t be in the middle of all the tourist traps, so you might have to look around a little.
  15. Make sure that you take enough prescription medication to last for the entire trip anytime you travel. You should always take some extra meds with you, just in case you are delayed or get stranded somewhere for an extended period. Bring your medication information along with you, as well, in case you need to get more from a pharmacy.
  16. Suppose you are taking the non-touristy area of a country you are exploring; it might be good for you to carry around some sort of protective device like a pepper spray. In some countries, criminal elements usually are on the lookout for robbing rich-looking foreigners, so you would be wise to protect yourself in some way. This way, you can enjoy your trip and remain stress-free.

Making sure you apply as much of the knowledge you learned is key to traveling with success.